Thursday, July 2, 2020

Great Leaders Live Like Drug Addicts by Michael Brody-Waite

A cautionary tale. I supposedly was to receive a free book to read and a review. I did my part. However, when this book was sent to me in June of 2020, Jonathan Merkh of Tennessee he put a value on the book of $100 US$ when it should have been $10 US$. Because of this I ended up with a Bill of $47 CDN$. This book is selling in Canada for about $32 CDN$. This transaction was done through Krupp Kommunications.

This book’s full title is Great Leaders Live Like Drug Addicts: How to Lead Like Your Life Depends on It. Michael Brody-Waite has his own web site at here. You can join for free to get an assessment, but you currently need to pay $19 a month to get access to meetings and sponsorship.

I think that people who find a group of friends to socialize with, no matter the format are lucky. I feel lucky in that way as I do have a group of friends. I have known these people for 40 to 50 years depending on the person. We do have a group and we still get together. However, the problem with getting old, is that you lose friends. I think as you age it gets harder to make friends.

His anomalous group sounds very similar. They share experiences and times, good and bad, with their group. We are very much social animals and I think we all need a group of friends. We need friendship and support. I think this is often missing in our society. Michael Brody-Waite is lucky to have his own support group. I would image with a group like his there are always people leaving and others joining. He may not have the same problem with aging as other people with a group of friends.

He quotes from Helen Keller that “Alone with can do so little; together we can do so much”. He changes this to Alone we can’t do anything, but together we can do anything. If you do not like his idea of a mask-free group, then perhaps would suit to find the right group for you. It sounds like it is his group at his AA meetings and his sponsor and his role as a sponsor that ultimately makes all the good things happen.

A few days ago, there was a twitter feed about a person losing their job and thinking that his coworkers were friends, but had only one person from his old work talk to him. I think a lot of people make the mistake that the people they work with are their friends. This is not true. If you do not do something besides working with people, they will not be friends. You have to do something, especially something one on one, with people for them to become friends. I have one good friend from work and we are friends as we often went out to lunch together.

Retirees have this problem also. They think that the people they worked with are friends, and with no further contact with co-workers, they are lonely. They miss work because they miss the social part of work. This is a big problem for a lot of people. Often retirees get another job or a part-time job so that they can again enjoy the social aspects of work. Michael Brody-Waite says that he worked with good people, but the depth of connection was just not there. I think he is perfectly correct on this.

I did not do the action plan of his. I am retired. However, he is very right talking about the fact that you cannot control anyone else, you only can control how you act and react. Also, the idea of doing something everyday matters. This is important in getting anything done. It counts what you do each day. These two things can be applied to any situation you have to deal with or project you have to do. In any situation you have to deal with, you have to know what you can and what you cannot control. You need also to learn what works and what does not work, so that you can handle future situations better.

Jerry Doby does a review of this book on The Hype Magazine. Tori Utley on Fobes reviews Michael Brody-Waite’s Ted Talk. D. A. Romo on Discovery Grey talks does a review of the Ted Talk.

Go here to hear his Ted Talk. This is on Michael Brody-Waite’s own site. I love Ted talks. They are short, but informative. The script of the Ted Talk is on Singju Post. Michael Brody-Waite also has his own Facebook pages here and here. In a short video, Michael Brody-Waite talks about the principles of this book.

An index of the books I have reviewed are on my website at Books. I have three blogs. The first talks only about specific stocks and is called Investment Talk . The second one contains information on mostly investing and is called Investing Economics Mostly. My last blog is for my book reviews and it is called Non-Fiction Mostly. Follow me on Twitter.

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